The Burnside Zouaves

Civil War Research Links

Uniform, Equipment, Weapons & Drill
Photographs Page 1
Photographs Page 2
Friends Remembered
10th Reg R.I. Vols. Field & Staff Roster
10th Reg R.I. Vols Co. H Officer Roster
10th Reg R.I. Vols Co H Non-Commissioned Officers Roster
10th Reg R.I. Vols Co H Enlisted Roster
Civil War Research Links
Research Team & Contact Information

These are some of the sites we use for research.

American Civil War Ancestor

U.S.M.A. West Point Museum

Smithsonian Institution

2nd Rhode Island Detached Militia Co.B

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Zouave Database

Union Army Uniforms & Insignia of the Civil War

Topics related to the 1861 US Army Uniform Regs

Timeless Stitches-Fine Handmade Clothing

John Hopkins University

The Elizabeth J. Johnson, Pawtucket History Reseach Center

Special Thanks to these people who have helped with our research.
Elizabeth J. Johnson Pawtucket History Research Center
Paul M. Martin Pawtucket Public Library
Paul Aresnault Coordinator,Technical Services, Pawtucket Public Library
Dana Signe K. Munroe Assoc. Graphics Curator RI Historical Society
Joseline Brooks Daughters of the American Revolution (Daggett House)
Michael J. McAfee Curator West Point Museum West Point, NY
Phil Weimerskirch Past Special Collections Librarian Providence Public Library.
Lynne Harriman  Fine Period Seamstress & Co-Owner of Timeless Stitches.


The Burnside Zouaves Association of Rhode Isalnd
All data on this site is protected under the
copy right laws of the United States.


If you know of any other men who served with the zouaves as part the 10th Reg RI Inf Co H. and have supporting documents please contact us.